Chlorine is one of the widely used chemicals for hot tub cleaning. But how do you know that the chlorine you are adding to your hot tub is optimal? Chlorine acts like a sanitizer but is the amount of chlorine that you are adding to your hot tub enough?
After a spa installation, there are several things that an owner needs to consider – the primary being cleaning and maintenance. If you are looking for answers to all these questions, here is the ultimate guide on chlorine addition to help you understand the maintenance process of your hot tub, better.
What Form of Chlorine Should I Use for My Hot Tub?
You will find several types of chlorine in nearby stores. However, the best form for your hot tub is granular chlorine. This is because concentrated granular chlorine is specifically designed for hot tubs, and they are the safest and most effective. It is also easily available both in online and offline spa stores.
You might come across chlorine tablets too in your nearby stores. However, they are not recommended for use as they are acidic and can cause the pH level to drop. Chlorine granules are closer to pH neutral and hence the best product for hot tubs.
What is the Optimal Level of Chlorine for My Hot Tub?
It is critical that you understand the right amount of chlorine in the hot tub. Too much chlorine can be harmful to your health and damage your hot tub. To calculate the right amount of chlorine, you must first understand the size of the tub and the potency of the chlorine that you would like to use.
First, understand how many gallons of water your hot tub can hold, which you can easily find in your hot tub installation manual. Check the label on your chlorine container to understand how much chlorine should be added to your hot tub. If you find it too complicated, you can reach out to an expert who can help you understand the level of chlorine that you should use for your hot tub.
How to Add Chlorine to Your Hot Tub?
To start with, turn on the spa pump so the water starts circulating. This step will ensure that the chlorine granules you add to the water and evenly circulated and the chlorine granules dissolve completely. Add your chlorine in the prescribed amount, as the pump is running.
Let the water circulate in the hot tub for about 15-20 minutes and wait for the granules to completely dissolve. The next step would be to test the water and check if the amount of chlorine is optimal from a safety and comfort point of view. Chlorine can be dangerous if not handled properly. Hence, make sure you are wearing protective gloves.
Avoid mixing chlorine with anything other than your spa water and carefully store the container away from other hazardous substances such as bromine. If you are unsure about the process, you can always reach out to spa installation experts who can guide you on the matter.
How Often Should I Add Chlorine to My Hot Tub?
This depends largely on the number of bathers and frequency of using the hot tub. If the typical use is only by one person once every week for about 15 minutes, you need to add chlorine every 2-3 days. If there are more people and the frequency of usage is high, then you will have to add chlorine more often.
There are products on several popular e-commerce sites that can help you determine chlorine levels in your hot tub. You can either purchase these products or reach out to Northern Spas – the most trusted name for hot tub installation in Toronto – for expert advice.
However, in the process remember to avoid adding the chemical in direct sunlight. This is because UV rays can drastically reduce the efficacy of chlorine.
What is Shocking About a Hot Tub?
Shocking a hot tub is the process of adding a few extra chemicals to kill bacteria and contaminants that may have entered the water since your last use. This process is called oxidizing and all you need to do is add a shock dose of the same chlorine that you are using regularly for your hot tub. The frequency of a shock treatment depends on the number of users and usage.
However, if you come across an overpowering chemical odor from your hot tub, you must shock-treat it immediately.
Is Too Much Chlorine Harmful?
Yes! If the chlorine levels in your hot tub are high, the water could irritate your skin, and eyes and even impact your respiratory system. It can also be extremely damaging for your tub as it can cause corrosion of its components and even bleach the shell.
Hot tub maintenance and cleaning is not an easy task. Hence, most spa owners rely on experts such as Northern Spas – experts at spa installation in Toronto – for their hot tubs.
Reach Out for All Kinds of Hot Tub Installations and Maintenance Services!
Northern Spas is a subsidiary of Land-Con Ltd, a leading landscape design and construction company in Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area.
We are the one-stop-shop for hot tub installation and maintenance, Northern Spas have an extensive line of offerings.
To know more about hot tub installations or our services, you can call us at 905-503-0049 or write to us at We would be happy to help!
Also Read:
Bromine vs. Chlorine Hot Tub Sanitizer: Which One is the Best?